PPC Onboarding PPC Onboarding Google Ads Onboarding Business name*Website address*Business phone number* Google Ad AccountGoogle Ad ID #Is this a brand new account?* Yes No What is your monthly ad budget?*We will use this as the exact budget to spend in the Adwords Account, please be specific.What landing page should we use?*Geographic targets (where your ads SHOULD show)*What services or products do you want to promote with your ads?*What is the main offer(s) that you want to promote with your ads?Is there anything we should not put In the ad copy? (ex. "free estimate")Why would someone choose you over an existing advertiser or competitor?*Provide 5-10 Keywords that describe your services or products*Is there a seasonality factor to your business?Slow down in the Summer? Speed up in the Winter? Any seasonal factors are helpful.Should your ads run during all hours? Are there certain hours when you cannot answer the phone?*While our team creates ad schedules based off data, this is helpful to hit the ground running if you prefer certain hours. Otherwise we will run the ads 24/7 until the data says otherwise.Is there anything else we should know?Reporting Email Address* We send out your PPC report every month. What email address should these go to?What platform was your website built on? (ex. WordPress, Joomla, Shopify)*Before You Submit, Please Check The Following:* You have given us access to your Ad account The information you have submitted is accurate We can build the campaigns based off the budgets, locations, and info provided * I accept Terms and Conditions PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.