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How Email Marketing Can Help Your Business 


Email marketing is an important tactic that you need to incorporate into your overall marketing strategy. The data speaks for itself when it comes to the value of email marketing.

Did you know that nearly 90% of people check their email at least once a day? And that 21% check it more than 5 times a day? That’s a lot of views on your potential email marketing!

What are the benefits of email marketing, aside from the fact that folks are checking their email so frequently?

Improve Relationships with Your Current Customers

Emails provide an opportunity for a call to action, asking your customer to do something such as following you on Instagram or visiting your online shop. You can build on your current relationships by incorporating calls to action that encourage your customers to further engage with your business

Increase Brand Awareness

Emails are a great way to increase your brand awareness. Share business news, updates, and more via email marketing that will help your customers understand more about your brand.

Increased Traffic to Your Website

Harkening back to the point about calls to action, you can lead customers back to your website by calling them to do so at the end of your email. Emails are also another way to reach a specific audience. The more platforms you market on the more people will see your business and what you offer. This can lead to increased traffic to your website and, as a result, possible increased sales.

Ability to Capitalize Off Seasonal Or Timely News

You can capitalize on time-sensitive or seasonal items. For instance, maybe next month is a recognition or company update you want to inform your audience about – write and send an email to let your audience know.

Collect Reviews

Again, calls to action are an amazing benefit of email marketing. One call to action you might utilize is asking your customers to leave a review or provide a testimonial about your business. This of course builds positive brand awareness for potential new customers.

The data truly speaks for itself when it comes to the value of email marketing as part of your overall marketing strategy. Here at TinyBull, we can help you achieve your email marketing goals!

Book a demo to learn more about how we can work together on your email marketing efforts!

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