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The Power Of Beautiful Visual Branding
“Branding” seems to be a hot button phrase as of late. As businesses, we are told to create a consistent, appealing, and aesthetically pleasing brand that is completely unique to our company. It all can sound overwhelming and daunting to say the least – especially if you have absolutely no skills in the art department. Thankfully, you do not need to sign up for photography classes or enroll in a digital design school in order to create a visually beautiful brand. At TinyBull, our graphic design and branding services take all of the weight off of your shoulders. Simply tell us about your vision, and our skilled team of design experts will bring it to life. Want to get a better understanding of why your visual brand matters? Stick around while we break it all down. 
What is Visual Branding?
Branding overall is the entire suite of elements that a company uses, such as social media profiles, videos, social media posts, logos, content strategy – basically everything that makes up who your company is. Visual branding specifically consists of design elements such as colors, materials, shapes, fonts (typography), and images. The goal with your visual branding is to create a memorable experience for your audience that will keep them around for more.
Why Does Visual Branding Matter?
Studies show that the human brain processes images 60,000 times faster than text. 80% of people remember what they see, versus what they hear or read. With this in mind, it only makes sense that your visuals are attention grabbers. They are your handshake; the first impression you will make on your audience. Your social media posts and website design will be the first things your potential clients will see. If you are embarrassed of your social pages, or wary to share your company URL, that’s a definite sign that something needs to change! Since your brand visuals can make or break your company, it is vital that they look good, reflecting all your brand symbolizes. 
Create a Brand Strategy
Behind every beautiful brand is a lot of thought, consideration and effort. A sloppy logo or social posts shows a clear lack of effort. But a seamless, consistent visual brand across multiple platforms – that shows dedication! There needs to be purpose behind your visuals. When content is irrelevant or poorly planned out, your audience will have no reason to stick around. 
Start with the foundation of your brand, and identify your “why”. Think of your target audience. Look at some similar brands that are popular among your audience and study their strategies. Focus on what makes your company unique, and dive into those marketable traits. Remember, you are not simply selling a product or capturing leads – you are telling a STORY with your brand. How will you illustrate that story? Start by building your brand strategy, so that you can then begin to bring that vision to life. 
Work With The Experts
You’ve learned what visual branding is, why it matters, and how to build your strategy. Now all that’s left is the creation! This is where TinyBull steps in. We can guide you in your visual branding every step of the way. Whether you are looking for logo creation, web design, social posts, or general graphic design work, we have got you covered! We truly believe we have the best graphic designers on the planet. Know that when you choose TinyBull for your visual branding needs, you are choosing the absolute best for your brand. We will go above and beyond to ensure we are staying true to your vision all while exceeding your expectations. 
Ready to completely revolutionize your visual branding this year? Let’s chat about design today!

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